The World was Mysterious
A quote from Mircea Cărtărescu
sonny rosenberg
5/21/20232 min read
“ The world was mysterious. A small and intimate world existed, like primitive peoples who huddled around the fire in their caves, dancing their shadows across the wall: this was our world, the children’s, it belonged to those people always in someone else’s care, always handled and managed, but more than that, always lied to by those from the other world, who tolerated our presence at the border of that world, like barbarians at the limits of an enormous and shimmering empire. Those beings were almost twice as tall as us and had larger minds. If they were left in the middle of the city, they knew how to get home. They could use money. They lived in pairs, similar yet different, and together, through a kind of mystery that reached us only in degraded and useless forms, these pairs had made us, the small and helpless, the same way probably, that they had built everything that existed in the world: houses, cars, planes, gardens, even the Voila preventorium. Yes the big people were gods, our gods. We could not understand how, but someday, we would end up like them. The flower in the middle of our minds was still just a bud, but it would grow and open little by little until, someday, in that obscure place called the future, it would sparkle in the airy plentitude of its petals. Every brain would adhere, through billions of transparent sticky threads, to the immortal, inaccessible space of logic, whose mundane name was God. And we could become, each of us, one of the eyes through which God contemplates his world. Now we saw as though through a glass darkly, but then face-to-face. Now we knew in part, but then shall we know even as we shall be known…”
- Mircea Cărtărescu
Sorry, but I couldn't resist posting another quote by Mircea Cărtărescu from Solenoid. You'll probably be glad when I'm done with this book! Not that I think the above passage is his best writing, I always seem unable to relocate those passages after reading them, but I do believe the passage above is representative of the way Cărtărescu can transform any scenario into the strangest but also beautiful otherly world. To soften the blow of inflicting another quote on you, I'm including a Cámara Galletita Lumen photo from the archives. As soon as I'm finished testing the current batch of photo papers for the Cadobo cam, I hope to resume experiments with the Cámara, along with about ten billion other things I hope to do, but probably won't because I'll still be delving into the depths of the really wonderful 3D animation software that I'm re-learning after over 20 years away from it.