New Classic EZ-400 Pushed to 1600

Using Bellini Eco Film Developer


soon rosenberg

4/17/20231 min read

I think EZ-400 and me are hitting it off quite well. Ever since the first roll that I shot at box speed with the Lomo LC-W, I was quite impressed with this film. I wondered what it might look like pushed as far as the LC-W would meter, which is ISO 1600. The big choice I had to make was go for extreme contrast (hopefully) and use Cinestill Df96 monobath to develop it or go for more moderate contrast and develop it in Bellini Eco Film. I went with Bellini as it seems to bring out both the contrast and broad tonal range of EZ-400.

Shooting this roll was a ton of fun, largely due to the ease of use of the LC-W. I do love that two zone focusing and the little sliding switch at the bottom for taking as many multiple exposures as you please. It didn't hurt that it was an usually pleasant day with the sun shining and temps in the low 60s.

This roll was taken both around the house yesterday evening and on my walk to buy coffee beans this morning.