Lomo Tiger 200

Shot with the Diana Baby 110


sonny rosenberg

7/21/20241 min read

I recently had time to shoot a roll of Lomography Tiger 200 in the Diana Baby 110. Initially, I'm not very impressed with it, but this may say more about the film in this particular camera than it says about the film overall.

ISO 200 seems a little fast for the fixed shutter speed and aperture of the Baby 110, most of these shots were overexposed to various degrees. I do find the color shifts that apparently result from over exposure to be interesting, although overall the contrast and color of this film didn't do much for me. The shots below were all tweaked a little in post to boost the contrast a bit, which also boosts the saturation. Without that boost, all of these shots looked pretty flat to me.

Possibly shooting this film in more subdued lighting would give better results? Or maybe in a camera with more exposure control? In any case, this makes me think of the old maxim "a poor carpenter always blames his tools". I have a couple more rolls of Tiger, so the jury will remain out for the time being.

As usual, these shots were developed by The Darkroom in San Clemente.