A Few Frames of Agfa Scala 50

Developed in MQ-19


sonny rosenberg

7/24/20241 min read

Since my current very favorite film, Adox CMS 20II seems to be unavailable, I consoled myself with a few rolls of another favorite, Agfa Scala 50.

Scala 50 is a film that's often developed as reversal film, and the shots I've seen with it developed as such looked amazing, but it seems to be an awfully complex and fiddly process. Given that and the fact that I really love how Scala looks developed in Flic Films MQ-19 (a re-creation of Kodak D-19) I'll put off reversal development for a while longer.

I've divided this roll into two tranches. Both are very high contrast, but this group has a better balance of black to white, at least to my eye. The other shots lean much more towards a predominance of white. My thinking that this better balance of black and white will not hurt the eyes of the contrast averse as much as those of the second batch, which I'll save for another date.

These were shot with what has come to be my usual combo of my trusty old Leica Ic and 12mm Voigtlander lens.