A Few Student Animations

From my beginning and third semester animation classes.


sonny rosenberg

12/24/20241 min read

This has been an interesting semester. At first, it seemed like my beginning animation students struggled with every little thing, but eventually they started to really get it and come out with some very nice animations.

This one, was their first use of a professional quality rig (character), thank you Animation Mentor for providing the Stewart rig free of charge! In my mind, this is the point where they had acquired enough skill to start to show an inkling of brilliance. They're not all of the same quality, but I think the best of them are very good, but maybe you should decide for yourself?

The next one was their final project in a manner of of speaking, they only had two class days to complete this project, I think they did quite well given the amount of time they had, and I do believe there are sparks of brilliance in many of them. For this animation they had a limited pool of props and one rig (the wolf) that they could use. The storyline was wide open.

This last one is a very short stop-motion animation by my wonderful students Maryknoll and Juan. It's impossible to view a film as short as this and get a real idea of the amount of work and time that went into it. This film made me wish the semester was two months longer.